Tuesday, December 31, 2019

14 College Graduation Gifts to Give Yourself

Graduating from college is no easy feat—and no one knows the effort you put in and the obstacles you overcame better than you do. Since your college graduation will likely be one of the biggest milestones of your life, its worth it to reward yourself for all youve accomplished. But just what kinds of things work well as a college graduation gift to yourself?  Here are the best graduation gifts to give yourself. 1. A Nice Diploma Frame Youve probably seen these in your campus bookstore or a local shop in town. In essence, diploma frames are a nice frame in which you can hang (and preserve) your actual diploma. Some have a small logo from your college; others have a large picture of campus as well. Regardless, a nice diploma frame can be a great way to formally acknowledge your graduation. Additionally, it can serve as appropriate and professional wall decor for your first office. 2. An Elegant Business Card Holder Sure, exchanging contact information happens electronically most of the time. And yet there can still be situations—like cocktail parties, airline flights, or other unexpected situations—when a simple conversation turns into a networking opportunity. Having your business cards available in a nice, classy case (in contrast, to, say, your old wallet) can be a smart way to present yourself. And it can be a nice gift to yourself that lasts for years to come. 3. Life For a Day Pictures You may be eager to leave your college life and your campus, but there are still things you will miss about your college years. Consider spending a day—or even just an hour or two during the day—taking pictures of the details of your life. What does your room look like? Your residence hall, apartment building, or house? What do you have hanging on the walls? What kinds of clothes are in your closet? What kinds of technology are you using? Where are the places you spent the most time— studying, hanging out, making memories—on campus? Off campus? In essence, create a photo journal of what your college life looks like. You never know how much you might treasure those simple snaps 10, 20, or even 50 years from now. 4. Write a Letter to Yourself Similar to an autobiographical photojournalism project, writing a letter to yourself can be an amazing gift for Future You. What are your dreams? What kind of life do you picture for yourself? What have you loved most about your time in college? What do you regret? What do you wish you had done differently? Theres no right answer or a specific thing you should write about. Just listen to your heart and say something that you want your future self to hear. 5. College Clothing It sounds so simple—after all, how many free t-shirts did you accumulate during your time in school?!—but getting yourself some new clothes with your colleges name on it can be a great gift. Even if its just a simple t-shirt and running shorts, youll reconnect with this time in your life when youre out for a run or hitting the gym 1, 2, or even 5 years from now. Additionally, something comforting, like a zip-up hoodie, can be your go-to item when youre doing something you love, like spending a quiet night in after a busy week at work. A little gift now can be a great way to remind and reward yourself about all you accomplished during your college years. 6. Travel Gear Have the travel bug? Want a job that requires a lot of travel? Consider giving yourself something that can be part of your post-college-life journeys. A nice suitcase, a great handbag, or even a duffel bag with your college logo or name on it can fit the bill. Additionally, advertising your alma mater during your travels can be a surprising way to start a conversation with others who have a connection to your institution, too. 7. A Connection With Your Favorite Professor No matter your major, you likely had one professor with whom you really connected or who made a difference in your life—even if you never told them so. Before you leave campus, connect with him or her in some way. Buy one of their books youve never read and have them sign it for you. Ask them to meet for coffee or even during office hours so you can ask their advice and let them know how much you appreciated their presence during your time in school. Your connection doesnt have to be fancy to be meaningful; it just has to be genuine. 8. A Trip Somewhere Special Do you need some time to process the big changes in your life? Have you always wanted to, for example, take  a college road trip? Do you want to have one last adventure with your college friends before you graduate? Consider giving yourself a trip as a graduation present. Even though its not a tangible item you can put in a gift box, a trip can provide you with a lifetime of memories—and some much-needed rest and relaxation. 9. Something for Your Post-College Professional Life Do you need a great briefcase? A messenger bag? A new laptop for graduate school? A stethoscope? Scrubs? Consider giving yourself something important and meaningful that also connects to your professional goals. Even if you cant afford something that will last for decades, you can always use something for a season or two and then keep it as a memento. This was my very first professional [item name]! has a nice ring to it, even 20 years from now. 10. Something for Your Post-College Personal Life Do you want to acknowledge your graduation with something that symbolizes adulthood for you? Do you want a nice set of dishes, a great (double!) bed, or a killer business suit? Do you want new clothes from a nice shop or even some fancy cookware? Consider buying yourself something that feels adult and permanent. You can use it to remind yourself of your transition to adulthood and all the effort you made to set yourself up for success after college. 11. A Donation to an Organization That Helps Students Go to College No matter your situation, you didnt make it through college entirely on your own. Whether it was family, friends, administrators, professors, or community leaders, people undoubtedly helped you along the way. Consider giving back by making a donation to a community organization or your college (in the form of scholarship funds) so that others have support during their time in school, too. 12. Plant Something It doesnt have to be big and fancy to symbolize the start of a new chapter in your life. Whether its a small houseplant, a small herb garden, or even a hardy bush or tree in your parents backyard or a community garden, planting something that you can nurture and grow can be highly symbolic and rewarding. 13. Take Yourself Clothes Shopping Give yourself a cold, hard reality check by really looking at whats in your closet. You likely—and justifiably—have clothes appropriate for a college student. Which was fun until now...when you transition from being a student to being a graduate. Treat yourself to some clothing basics, both personally and professionally, so that you can enter this new phase of your life as prepared as possible. 14. A Spa Treatment Remember: spa treatments arent just for fancy folks (or even just girls!). Reward yourself to something as simple as a pedicure or as fancy as a full-day treatment. After all, you probably put your body through unbelievable amounts of stress and mistreatment during the past few years. Reward your physical and mental self with some relaxation and pampering. You might be surprised at how this simple luxury can rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul and prepare you to begin your post-college life refreshed and recharged.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Road Use Internal Combustion Engines - 2430 Words

Introduction Currently, most vehicles on the road use internal combustion engines (ICEs). This type of engine has existed from as early as the 19th century, when Nikolaus Otto created the first 4-stroke cycle (Otto-cycle) system, which is still used in cars to this day. As of 2010, the vehicular population surpassed 1 billion (according to the research by Ward’s Auto [1]), meaning the IC engine is extremely widespread throughout the world. However, this does not mean that an IC engine is the most effective way of producing power for vehicles nowadays. They have many problems, which include but are not limited to increased fuel consumption and high CO2 emissions. There have been many attempts to improve the IC engine, including the†¦show more content†¦For each cylinder, there is a piston attached to a crankshaft, allowing it to move up and down (i.e. complete a stroke), an intake manifold housing the intake valve, connected to the combustion chamber and exhaust valve. The intake valve opens, and air is taken into the combustion chamber, as the piston is pulled towards the crankshaft (Intake Stroke). Then the valves are closed, and the piston is extended, pressurising a combination of air and fuel in the compression chamber, causing combustion (Compression Stroke). This instantaneous combustion causes the pressure in the combustion chamber to increase and act on the face of the piston, causing it to be pushed back towards the crankshaft (Power Stroke). After this, the exhaust valve is opened, and the gas escapes (Exhaust Stroke). Idling However, every time one cycle is completed, some fuel is used to create the spark during the power stroke. This means that when the car is idling (i.e. the engine is on, but the car is stationary), a lot of fuel and energy is wasted. This will not only negatively affect fuel consumption, but also increase the CO2 emissions, which are already quite high. As stated by the U.S. Department of Energy, around 27 million tonnes (30 million tons) of CO2 is produced in the US alone [3], just due to idling vehicles. Personal vehicles also waste approximately 3 million tonnes of fuel annually, just

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Corcentric Announces Free Essays

Correction Announces 2014 Scholarship Program Winner 1888 Press Release Correction, a leading provider of accounts payable automation and electronic Invoice Eng solutions, today announced that It has awarded Its annual Accounting Software School rashly to Kathleen Bells, of Battle Ground, WA. MCLEAN, VA Ms. Bells, who wrote the winning essay, addresses the following question posed by Correctly. We will write a custom essay sample on Corcentric Announces or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today, with online banking, debit cards, and Papal payments, managing your person al finances may seem easier. But with no actual cash changing hands, tracking your account balances become sees increasingly important? If you were teaching a course on managing personal finances, using your own experiences as an example, how would you instruct your students to take charge and manage their final once effectively? In her response, Ms. Believe discusses the challenges of effectively managing her peers Anal finances, while also balancing school and her home life. She explains, â€Å"What I have personally found useful LU is to keep my receipts, set rules for spending limits, and to set a weekly alarm to sit down and review my sac aunt. She discusses the sessions she has learned through her personal experiences and how they could be he Full in teaching other students the importance of effectively managing their own personal finances. The Correction Accounting Software Scholarship was created to help offset the increase singly heavy cost of college and is open to all currently enrolled full time college freshmen, sophomores, and Juniors, as well as college bound, U. S. High school seniors. Correcting tha nks all the participants who submitted essays and wishes them well n their endeavors. About Correctly For more than 15 years, Cornstalk’s cloud based financial process automation solutions have revolutionized how the world’s largest organizations manage and protect their financial assets. By c neglecting best practices with deep expertise, Cornstalk’s ground breaking Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable automation solutions have enabled organizations to reduce costs, streamline processes, and Provo Did unmatched visibility executives need to make critical business decisions. Learn more at http://www. Correction. Com or call 888. 525. 7677. ### How to cite Corcentric Announces, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Core Fitness free essay sample

Core Fitness is a fitness facilities and equipment provider, operating in Central Pennsylvania. After finding that refurbishing and resale of fitness equipment to home gyms could be a lucrative business, the company decided to seriously look at it as a business. Further to this, Core is now discussing a proposal to reclaim and refurbish unused and unwanted exercise equipment as a complimentary service for their health clubs. Sandy Knight feels that this proposal could allow the company to maintain its business while also providing reasonably priced equipment to its customers. The partners also discuss acquiring land and expansion of business. 1. What is your evaluation of the carious proposals by the partners of Core Fitness and Fitness Retreads? What challenges and issues do they face? What factors in the current environment favor their proposal activities? The proposals address environmental and economic concerns by reclaiming equipment that would otherwise be put in landfills and by providing customers with reasonable priced equipment. We will write a custom essay sample on Core Fitness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The proposal to expand reverse supply chain could potentially lead to market cannibalization. To avoid this, the company should first consider expanding the reverse supply chain outside its primary business’ target and geographic regions. The second proposal talks about purchase or lease of facilities to expand the business. The partners have two options – to either purchase a large facility or to lease one. They should start by leasing a facility and as the business grows, they can look at owning facilities. This will give the company more flexibility with respect to cash flow and liquidity in investments. The main challenges faced by the company are conflicting markets and finding land. 2. What other suggestions would you make for expanding Fitness Retreads? Why? The company can tie up with and/ or outsource work to other companies. Since Core does not have a lot of experience in the area, somebody else might be better suited to find and refurbish dumped equipment, while Core focuses on expanding its business. Core can also make deals with different fitness clubs that use exercise equipment, where the facilities direct unused or worn equipment to Core Fitness for refurbishing.